University of York's Week Numbers

This page provides an iCalendar (RFC 5545) format of the University of York's week numbers, according to the term dates.

It is compatible with most calendar software, the program provides three different calendars depending on your circumstance. Simply copy one of the following URL to your Calendar software:

The program will generate all the Week Numbers up to the last academic year it knows about (currently this is 2029/2030). Feel free to poke me through various means when we run out of dates.


From September 2023; each week can be described as one of the following types:

These description of the Week can be found in the Calendar Description.

All this data can be found in this spreadsheet.

Source Code

The source code behind this project was originally developed by Christopher Nethercott and is available on GitHub.


Busy Status: That calendar will occasionally display a Busy event status in your calendar; unfortunately there isn't anything I am able to do to fix this as I believe it is due to a Google caching issue.

Incorrect values: I have fixed a major issue with the calendar when we move from Semester 1 to Semester 2 in the year, if you are still having the incorrect value. Please try readding the calendar to your program and if you still are having issues, please do get in touch. As with above it might take some time to invalidate and recache the content.